Why Would You Not?

Within AmSpirit Business Connections, we empower and encourage our Chapters to follow a system. The meeting has a structure. Officers have defined roles and scripted text. There is well-established performance tracking and reporting of activity,

including referrals, guests brought and attendance.

Those Chapters that closely follow the system do much better than Chapters that tends to “wing it.” In plain English, members in Chapters that follow the system consistently generate more and better referrals and as a result, they make more money from their AmSpirit Business Connections experience as compared to members in Chapter that loosely follow the system.

Given this, why (why, why) would a Chapter not choose to do all it could to closely adhere to the system?

NOTE: A great test as to how closely a Chapter adheres to the system is the Outstanding Chapter program criteria.

Become A Pig … Networking Group Commitment


If you consider a good breakfast – a “bacon-n-eggs” breakfast – there are two farm animals providing for the meal … a chicken and a pig. Of the two, which has a bigger participation? Answer: The pig.

No doubt, the chicken “contributes” to the feast, as she provides the eggs. The pig, however, is “all in,” giving its very life for the spread.

Attorney, David Jackson, of the Business Affinity Chapter and partner at the firm of Carlisle, Patchen & Murphy, uses this quick anecdote as a means for making a point to his Chapter. Jackson reminds his fellow members that if they want a great Chapter, they need to build the Chapter with “pigs” – totally committed entrepreneurs, sales representatives and professionals.

This is a great lesson for everyone in AmSpirit Business Connections. In the context of this little fable, to create great Chapters we should all strive to build our Chapters with committed people, aka P-I-G-S. These are people who will attend (and engage others) consistently, give referrals regularly and continually seek to bring guests to the meeting.

If you are looking for “pigs” to include in the Chapter, the best place to start is with yourself. After all, the easiest way to get the commitment of others is to commit yourself first.

Remember, while a mere contribution is nice, if you want a great Chapter you need to become a “pig’ and then encourage others to do the same.