AmSpirit Business Connections, Inc.

Cincinnati Tri-County

Here is the Chapter information you requested. Below you will find information on the day, time and location of the Chapter meeting in the Greater Cincinnati, Ohio area, as well as the Chapter Officers and Directors. Click on View Membership Roster to find the names of business professionals in your area who are interested in exchanging quality business referrals or business networking leads.

Chapter Announcement - Connect with your best referral partners and meet some amazing entrepreneurs! Plan to arrive early and stay after for some quality one-on-one conversations.

Go to for meeting times and locations.

Meeting Information
Forest Park Library
660 Northland Blvd
Cincinnati, OH 45240
Region: Greater Cincinnati, Ohio (South)
Meeting Day: Tuesday
Meeting Time: 1:00 PM
President: Ginni Barnhart
Vice President: Shelly Battenfield
Membership Chair: Ginni Barnhart
Membership Chair 2: Shelly Battenfield
Secretary: Shelly Battenfield
Treasurer: Jeff Barnhart
Mentorship Chair: Shelly Battenfield
Hospitality Chair: Crystal Barger
Publicity Chair: Sharon Padilla
Sergeant-At-Arms: Jeff Barnhart
Social Chair: Meghan Adamo
Ginni Barnhart
(513) 982-2020
Member Information
Current Chapter Vacancies
At this time, this Chapter does not have its vacancies listed.

Email the Chapter Membership Chair to inquire about your business category.

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