Meeting Information
THE POINTE Restaurant and Bar
1255 Country Club Rd.
Gulf Breeze, FL 32563
Region: Emerald Coast (Southeast)
Meeting Day: Monday
Meeting Time: 11:30 AM
President: Viktor Cadiente, Licensed FL Realtor
Vice President: Viktor Cadiente, Licensed FL Realtor
Membership Chair: Stephanie Coleman-Risher
Membership Chair 2:
Secretary: Stephanie Coleman-Risher
Treasurer: Viktor Cadiente, Licensed FL Realtor
Program Chair: Viktor Cadiente, Licensed FL Realtor
Hospitality Chair: Stephanie Coleman-Risher
Publicity Chair: Ramon Ledesma, FL License HI16159, FABI API, InterNachi CPI
Sergeant-At-Arms: Ramon Ledesma, FL License HI16159, FABI API, InterNachi CPI
Social Chair: Ramon Ledesma, FL License HI16159, FABI API, InterNachi CPI
John Manzanet, BSAE, BSAME, Certified A&P, Certified Commercial Instrument Pilot, MBA